On top of the regular action-RPG fun of running around and blatting hundreds of enemies, Musou style, players in KUF2 were meant to lead a small army via an RTS-style command view, and cooperate in huge multi-army battles. It's this formula that Kingdom Under Fire 2 was building on, and they announced it for 360 in 2008. Blueside just sent us three new videos of Kingdom Under Fire II, showing the Gunslinger, Berserker and Spellsword classes.

The series started out as a janky fantasy RTS on PC, before migrating to the original Xbox as a Warhammer-esque mix of hack n' slash action and army-scale tactical command.

Offering three factions and three classes, one hundred types of troops. If you have no idea what Kingdom Under Fire 2 is, you're forgiven. Kingdom Under Fire II is an action strategy RPG/RTS from Blueside and Phantagram.
Below, a new teaser trailer, plus some notable events on the long, pothole-laden road KUF2 has travelled. You know who covered this game last for RPS? Some guy named Jim, nine years ago. This is especially stunning for me, as I've been following the Total War/Dynasty Warriors mix since it was originally intended to be an Xbox 360 game, and I had just about given up hope. Kingdom Under Fire II was a video game set in a high fantasy setting developed by Blueside which merged real-time strategy (RTS), role-playing game (RPG).

I refuse to believe it until I'm actually playing, but Blueside's possibly cursed action-MMO/RTS hybrid Kingdom Under Fire 2 is coming to Europe and America later this year via Gameforge.